Cuban Flag
CUBA - 2013



So what is next for Cuba and the Cuban people? In my opinion Cuba is like a throbbing balloon ready to BURST, and when it does there will be an in pouring of investment to the likes not seen in decades. It will turn Cuba around and make it one of the great showcases of the world. Prosperity will come and so will the Jews who will be instrumental in helping to revitalize and rejuvenate Cuba the Cuban Jewish community. In talking with the people they are optimistically looking at some kind of breakthrough in two years. Fidel is now 86 and Raul, who is 81 says that this will be his last five year term. Who will take over after Raul is out of office is, of course, a great determining factor. How will the death Hugo Chávez affect the future of Cuba? Venezuela has been trading oil with Cuba for its medical care. They have established a barter system. There are many Venezuelans who come to Cuba for medical treatment and Cuba sends its doctors to Venezuela as well. Now that Chávez is gone will this relationship end? The second largest boat lift in Cuba came in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed and left Cuba. Can Chávez’ death mean the end of Venezuela’s aid to Cuba? What are the ramifications of this? Could it be the catalyst that might push Cuba into a new age? This remains to be seen.

I am really looking forward to returning to Cuba in a few years and seeing a booming new prosperity and revitalized Jewish community.

When I travel I put things into three categories.

CATAGORY III A MUST to go back to many times

Cuba definitely falls into


I have put many more pictures of my trip to Cuba on the following pages, many with captions of what they are.

Please feel free to browse and enjoy.


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