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NEPAL - 2014



Our Annapurna TrekPAGE 3


our accomodations were sparce.



Every village we stayed in had the same dog. No matter where we went there was a sleeping dog there to not greet us and looked exactly like the dog from the previous village.


The food was great everywhere we went. There is a standard menu that the government regulates so we know what to expect no matter where we set ourselves down. There were few surprises although there were some variations as times.

Click on the menu page above to see the entire menu.

To find out the approximate cost in U.S. dollars


The toilet facilities were acceptable once I learned how to use them. The lower villages had some western style facilities but as we climbed higher only the eastern style were available. I am happy to say that I gained much dexterity in using the eastern style toilet throughout the trek and my aim at performing all activities got better and better. If you miss you have to clean up all of your mess, so you learn fast!!!
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