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CUBA - 2013


Havana Scenes - Monuments - Political - Page 2



Che Guevara portrait on side of building
Che Guevara portrait
on side of building

Che Guevara monument
Che Guevara monument
"Thank Che for your history, your life and your example"  Fidel"Thank Che for your history, your life
and your example"

"The economic battle today more than ever is the main task"  Raúl Castro"The economic battle today more
than ever is the main task"
Raúl Castro

"All for the Revolution"

Plaque to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, "For the peace, the bread and the roses, we face the executioner"
Plaque to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
"For the peace, the bread, and
the roses, we face the executioner

Plaque to Joaquin E. Weiss, famous Cuban Jewish architest
Plaque to Joaquin E. Weiss
famous Cuban Jewish architect

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